The HoA masonic lodge was formed & consecrated on 29th July 1960.
We are the 7722nd lodge formed, under the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE).
The Doomsday book refers to an area of land known as Achestan, extending from Stone and Swanscombe in the North, to West Kingsdown in the South. This area represented one of the County Divisions (known as a 'Hundred').
During the Reign of Edward I, the area was known as as Axstane. From this our lodge name is derived.
Masonic Provinces generally align with County boarders, however, due to the exceptionally high number of brethren in Kent, these are two regional offices (East and West Kent).
The HoA meet at Wrotham Masonic Centre, which falls within the jurisdiction of the Masonic Province of West Kent.
All craft masonic ceremonies have common denominators, however, due to various factors including historical teachings, they include different ritual details. The ceremony practised by the HoA, is known as 'Stability'- which was promoted
by Philip Broadfoot in 1817.
Hierarchy is such that the Province of West Kent falls under the jurisdiction of the
United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), located in Gt. Queen Street, London.
Senior HoA Officers, look forward to a spectacular annual event which is held at UGLE,
our wives often attend the associated Festive Board.
- Masonic Meetings
- Lodge of Instruction
- Charity Work
- Social Events
Our masonic meetings are held at Wrotham Masonic Centre, Kent. These are held on the third Thursday of February, April, June, October and December.
Start times vary, but typically commence
at 5 pm.
Afterwards we attend a festive dinner, which includes taking toasts and various speeches are given.
Many of us meet on Thursday evenings, to informally advance our masonic knowledge and rehearse for the forthcoming meeting.
Rather than the Lodge of Instruction, perhaps it ought to
be called the
Lodge of Laughter,
since it's light hearted, and often includes pint at the bar afterwards. .
The Hundred of Axstane have proudly raised, and donated over £40,000 as a consequence of donations, raffles and fundraising events, in the last 5-years.
Beneficiaries have included:
Local Scouts
Hayley's Heroes
Black Thorne Trust
MS Therapy Centre
Demelza House
Kent Air Ambulance
Masonic Charitable Foundation.
Perhaps financial costs and expenditure could be summarised as follows (perhaps as a rough guide, after initial joining fees, it works out about £10 to £15 per week):
- Initial joining Fees
- Yearly Subscription Fees
- Dining Fees
- Charitable Donations
- Social Event Costs
- Costs associated with visiting other lodges.
Currently (2024/25):
- HoA fee is £50.00
- Grand Lodge Registration Fee is £74.40
- Provincial Fee is £6.00
Payable in advance (i.e. payable before 1st January) the current annual subscription of £160 (2024). New members have to pay pro-rata, depending upon when in the year they join.
Subscription fess are subject to an annual review by the Treasurer.
The dinning cost for the festive board (5 per year) is in the region of £24 per meal, there's also a raffle (donations usually £5 to £10). + Drink costs, that depends upon your thirst!
Supporting worthy charitable causes is an important part of HoA, therefore, if you are able, perhaps you could consider setting-up a direct debit to pay in the region of (typically) £15.00 per month.
Difficult to quantify, as it depends upon the event's particulars and how often you attend etc.
Our Lodge meetings are typically held in two parts. The first involves more administrative procedures such as; proposing and balloting for new members, receiving news about charitable fundraising and balloting to donate funds to support organisation in need of assistance.
The second part focuses on ceremonies, which might relate to areas such as; the admittance of new members, or the installation of the Master of the Lodge and his officers. This is a process made up of three degrees, or stages, each one marked by a special ceremony.
A sense of togetherness, inter-dependencies within the lodge help foster close relationships between the brethren.
March 2018
Scout Headquarters Renovation Works.
2009 to 2015
For Freemasons, for families and for everyone.
March 2018
To assist with setting up fresh scientific research and practial projects to improve treatment.
Providing support to young adults with cancer and helping them to make the most of their precious time together with their loved ones.
March 2018
Helping people rebuild their lives following mental and physical health struggles.
Providing therapies to help improve the lives of people living with MS and a space to relax and socialise with friends.
HoA's Martin & Kay Lakin (left), with the Provincial Grand Master and other distinguished brethren, donating Masonic funds. It was nearly 30 years ago that the Kent Air Ambulance helped to save Kay's life. Kay - "If it wasn't for the Air Ambulance, I would not be here today. It was a great honour to be part of the cheque presentation."
The Hundred of Axstane is a thriving lodge, with membership from diverse backgrounds and a wide age range, currently
32 to 92, years young!
Some members join following recommendations from family and friends, some join from or in addition to other lodges, others contact us via the website (contact page).
Did you know that the son of a mason is known as a 'Lewis' ? We are delighted to have many members with family connections. Here we have W. Bro Clark with his father and uncle.