Do I need to be invited to join ? No.
Don't be afraid of approaching a Freemason! Feel free to ask them about what they do, also about how you can join.
That's not a problem, send us an enquiry via this website and we will be more than happy to help you progress your application.
Applicants should be at least 21-years old, however, in exceptional circumstances, a dispensation can be sought.
To apply, you should not have been convicted by a court, been the subject of dishonest or disgraceful conduct, been disciplined by a professional or trade body, or awaiting an outcome of the any of the above.
Unless under exceptional circumstances, you will be required to attend the five annual HoA Masonic meetings. Additionally, when possible, you should be able to attend practices. You will also need to have sufficient funds to pay joining fees, subscription costs and ideally support our charities - providing there is no detriment to you and your family.
Don't be afraid to ask! You don't need to be invited. There is nothing wrong with making an enquiry, to either a Freemason, if you know one, or via this or many other websites.
Unfortunately, the application process isn't quick, so the sooner you express an interest the better.
The processing time is dependent upon lots of factors, however, it typically takes within the region of 5-months.
If you are applying via the website , we may propose that you come along as a guest to one or two of our social functions. This will enable us to explain in greater detail what we do, answer any initial questions and to outline what it will cost in terms of time and money.
If at this stage you don't have a Proposer & Seconder (website applications) our Membership Officer will be delighted to provide help and assistance throughout the process.
When you are ready, we will ask you to complete a joining (Candidate) application form (Form P) and will be issued to the Lodge Secretary.
The Lodge Secretary will issue your details to the Lodge Committee and you will be invited to meet them to discuss your application.
Although Committee Members may be keen to understand why you have applied, they will also be keen to make sure you are able to commit the necessary time and funds.
It is likely that on the same evening that the committee meets, you will be told the outcome of your application (whether approval is given to move to the next stage).
The HoA Committee usually meet five times per year, (4th Thursday in February, April, June, October and December / early January). In exceptional circumstances, additional committee meetings can be arranged.
If you live or work within the geographical jurisdiction of West Kent, great ! However if not, it is not a problem, the lodge Secretary will write to the applicable province and seek dispensation. For example, many members of the HoA, live in Medway (East Kent), dispensation was sought for each of their applications.
This adds about 3 -weeks to the process.
After the lodge Committee have approved the application (part of the interview process), your personal details (name, address, employer), along with the name of the proposer and seconder, will be published in a lodge Summons.
At the next regular lodge meeting a formal ballot will be taken. If the ballot is successful, you will be duly initiated, usually at the same or next meeting.
Mid-October - Application Form submitted.
End of October - Meeting with HoA Committee.
December - Personal details published in the Lodge Summons
February - Ballot / Potential for Initiation
But this really is very much dependent upon what time of the year you apply.